
Uncollateralized Lending

By registering here you'll be able to supply/borrow liquidity and you will receive a UserData NFT where your data will be stored
You will then receive a CreditScore NFT after the first operation is completed and then you will receive an update for each subsequent operation completed


If you want you can also remove your UserData NFT



Supplying liquidity you will receive the same number of LZU tokens back and also an updated NFT


Withdraw liquidity you'll get back your XRD amount plus a reward calculated over the time your funding has been provided!


Borrow liquidity (max 3% of the main pool until the max borrowing limit has not been reached) !
Please provide a time when the borrowing will be repaid !
Be sure to repay otherwise you'll receive a BadPayer NFT !

deadline for repayment


Repay borrowings (fees and interest will be calculated over the time the borrow has been opened) !

Your Supply Position

Amount of your liquidity funded in the pool:

Epoch of supplying liquidity:

Epoch of redeeming liquidity:

Your Borrow Position

Amount of your borrowings:

Epoch of borrow:

Expected epoch for loan repayment:

Epoch of repaying borrow:


AccountLocker BadPayer:

Current Epoch:

Smart Contract Configuration

Max loan amount granted for each account:

Max percentage allowed for each individual loan, compared to the total available:

Max amount each account can supply in:

Max length in epochs for a borrow:

Max ratio allowed between total liquidity received and total loans granted:

Smart Contract Rewards and Fees

Base Reward for liquidity funding:

Base Interest for borrowing liquidity:

Current Reward for liquidity funding:


Current Interest for borrowing liquidity:


Fees: 10 xrd for each operation (Withdraw, Borrow, Repay)

Fees: 0 xrd for each operation (Supply)

Smart Contract Position

Market Utilization:

Current Loans:

Current Borrows:

Current Non Performing Loan:

Non Performing Loan Ratio (% of borrowed amount):

Non Performing Loan Ratio (% of supplied amount):

Smart Contract Vaults

Amount of main liquidity pool:

Max liquidity amount still accepted:

Current Borrowers

Current BadPayers

Copyright by ZeroCollateral


